Become a Funder
All the services Penhaligon’s Friends deliver to bereaved families are offered free of charge. These include:
- Home Visits
- Memory Days
- Individual Support
- Transport to and from Memory Days and our groups for young people
- Social events and outings
- Literature
- Books
- Videos
As you can appreciate, this generates the need for an income to offset these expenses. We have a small team of paid staff and a large group of dedicated volunteers who give their time free.
All of our costs have to be met through the generosity and goodwill of people making charitable donations, fundraising events, sponsorship/ membership and grant giving bodies.
We strive to keep our administrative costs as low as possible so that all the money raised in Cornwall benefits Cornish families directly.
If you are a grant making body or a funding organisation and would like to know more about us, please contact us on 01209 210624.