Get in touch with us or call 01209 210624
Penhaligons Friends



Frequently Asked Questions

Are there other ways that I can get involved with Penhaligon’s Friends?
Penhaligon’s Friends has a number of opportunities that can be made available to you including getting involved with:
• Residential groups
• Fundraising activities
• Administrative work in the office at Redruth
• Promoting the work we do and passing on our phone number and details where you feel appropriate

Check out the Volunteering Opportunities page for more information, if you feel there is something else you might like to do that we haven’t thought of let us know!

How do I find out about opportunities or events that I may be interested in?
Check out the diary page on the website, it outlines all forthcoming events and training opportunities as well as the day to day information for volunteers.

I would like to organise an event, how can I do that?
Have a look at the Fundraising section on the website for ideas and tips on how to help. If you would like more information or would like to suggest an idea, give us a call in the office, we will be very pleased to help.

How can I raise awareness of the work of Penhaligon’s Friends in the area where I live?

Our Phone Number: One of the most important things you can do is pass on our telephone number so that people can find out about the services we can offer. Contact us on:
(01209) 215889 or (01209) 210624

Our Website: Signpost them to our website, which has lots of information, training and resources.

We would like someone to come to our organisation and explain the work of Penhaligon’s Friends
We would love to come and talk to you about the work we do, how you can make a referral or the events or training that we organise. Just give us a call in the office to arrange it.

How can I donate money?
The simplest ways to make a donation are through the Donate Online section of the website.