Our Trustees & Patrons
Dame Annette Egerton DBE
Michael Galsworthy CVO CBE DL
Sir Tim Smit KBE
Dr Jennifer Doble (Chairman)
William Phillips (Treasurer)
Nigel Hyde
Nicky Sutton
Mike Bird
Dr Alison Stephens
Karen Reid
Organisational Structure:
The charity Trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the charity.
The Trustees give their time freely and receive no remuneration or other financial benefits.
The Trustees meet together approximately every six weeks and are responsible for all policy decisions and for staff employment. These policies are reviewed regularly and, where
necessary, are brought up-to-date when new legislation comes into being, or in order to
further the aims of the Charity.
The day-to-day management of the Charity is delegated to the staff.
Recruitment and Appointment of Trustees:
The existing Trustees are responsible for the recruitment of new Trustees but in so doing
the Trustees seek the recommendations of staff and volunteers. In selecting new Trustees,
we seek to identify people who can bring their expertise, contacts and knowledge to the
Board for the benefit of the aims of the Charity.
In addition to the Trustees, representatives from other bodies having connections with child bereavement are invited to join the Board and attend meetings as representatives without voting rights.
Following appointment, new Trustees are introduced to their role and given copies of the
trust deed and a guide to Penhaligon’s Friends’ policies and procedures adopted by the
Board. A number of publications from the Charity Commission are also provided including
the guidance on charities and public benefit. This ensures that new Trustees are aware of
the scope of their responsibilities under the Charities Act.